The « Marketing and Interactive Excellence Awards » are a recognition for the best digital cases of the year.

IAB MIXX zonder datum


4 jury's will evaluate in 4 main domains: Digital communication, Digital Marketing Technology, Digital Media and CX & Craft.

The IAB Mixx Awards is an international initiative organized in Belgium by the Belgian Association Of Marketing and Best of Publishing.


More info

Winners IAB MIXX Awards 2019

Media - Best Brand Engagement Campaign

Award Agency Advertiser Name of the Case Case Video
GOLD Happiness VOO Telecom VOO Buffer Rage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziWrV7qLppU
SILVER Publicis Orange Belgium Orange Love Duo - Freedom of choice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgFJhcd1V-c&feature=youtu.be
BRONZE Dentsu Aegis Network AB InBev Cubanisto x Tomorrowland Stay Undefined https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PLmVKQ5vdk&feature=youtu.be

Media - Best Consumer Engagement Campaign

Award Agency Advertiser Name of the Case Case Video
SILVER TBWA KBC KBC Vindr https://vimeo.com/363098486


Magis & Amphion

JBC.Be Les vedettes de JBC.be https://youtu.be/K-al3cObVqY
BRONZE Lucy Agency Brightfish The Curiosity Click https://vimeo.com/300752950

Media - Best Influencer Campaign

Award Agency Advertiser Name of the Case Case Video
GOLD Mortierbrigade


The Legendary Tour https://vimeo.com/362753529/1ac9144978


VOO Telecom VOO Raging Banners https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IsBjJjGFcY
BRONZE FamousGrey Kom op tegen kanker Instaverliefd https://vimeo.com/362008813/462823a8d3

Digital Platform - Best Digital Platform

Award Agency Advertiser Name of the Case Case Video
Silver FamousGrey


Now.Brussels https://vimeo.com/famousbrussels/review/362829425/dd9090940d


OVK / PEVR Blindmeters https://youtu.be/cnlDCdhTGjE
BRONZE TBWA KBC KBC Vindr https://vimeo.com/363098486

Digital Communication - Best Commercial Campaign

Award Agency Advertiser Name of the Case Case Video
Silver LDV United

Beherman Motors - Mitsubishi

Built for belgian roads https://vimeo.com/362818575

Lucy Agency

Ketnet Tik Tak 2.0 https://vimeo.com/362834624/f156ab29ad
BRONZE Lucy Agency Brightfish The Curiosity Click https://vimeo.com/300752950
BRONZE Happiness VOO telecom VOO Buffer Rage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziWrV7qLppU

Digital Communication - Best Charity Campaign

Award Agency Advertiser Name of the Case Case Video
GOLD Happiness


BlindMeters https://youtu.be/cnlDCdhTGjE


Kom op tegen kanker Vloggers VS sigaretten https://player.vimeo.com/external/360501336.hd.mp4?s=ec30de1dc7321464529d0826aa4d6e10ee044bc5&profile_id=175

MarTech - Best MarTech Tool

Award Agency Advertiser Name of the Case Case Video
GOLD Google


Display Video 360 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlB_f6EG4r4


  Verbolia - SEO-as-a-Service https://youtu.be/o4mq5AiAqN4


  Influo - influencer marketing platform https://youtu.be/1Y2Tq5aGOno


  How integrated dashboards improve the customer-agency relationship at Field & Concept https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMmhHA-Z6kk&t=

MarTech - Best use of MarTech Tool

Award Agency Advertiser Name of the Case Case Video
GOLD FamousGrey


Now.Brussels https://vimeo.com/famousbrussels/review/362829425/dd9090940d


Carglass Carglass: pushing DCO beyond display https://vimeo.com/363014964/ed34e9d848


Rebel AI First Passport to Belgium https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OAUUdAWIs0&feature=youtu.be


IKEA IKEA (HE)ART SCANNER https://vimeo.com/362790834/756aaddb59

Agency of the Year


Advertiser of the Year

VOO Telecom

Most Promising Agency of the Year

Lucy Agency

Digital Sales Guy/Girl of the Year

Matthieu Py - Sellbranch

Digital Planner of the Year

Joris De Ryck - Blue449/Zenith Media


Winners IAB MIXX Awards 2018

Best Multi-Channel Campaign

Award Agency Advertiser Name of the Case Case Video
GOLD LDV United Special Olympics Dare to sponsor https://vimeo.com/292670926
SILVER Wunderman Antwerp Child Focus Innocent Child Porn https://youtu.be/rHYgDCtCTNM
SILVER TBWA Telenet Play Sports Never miss a second https://vimeo.com/290731716/7d1c61c4a2
BRONZE Air Brussels Stanley Black & Decker Black & Decker Low-Emission Zone https://youtu.be/YcKk5isVF7s

Best Single-Channel Campaign

Award Agency Advertiser Name of the Case Case Video
GOLD Mortierbrigade MIVB/STIB STIB/MIVB Chatbots http://www.vimeo.com/291069779
SILVER TBWA Solidarité Grands Froids The Homeless Webshop https://vimeo.com/290714374/4694377c9e
SILVER De Vloer Samsung Share your excitement https://vimeo.com/292335825
BRONZE Wunderman Antwerp MediaMarktSaturn België N.V. GAME OF TORRENTS https://youtu.be/jM79FkkvZBg

Best Content Marketing

Award Agency Advertiser Name of the Case Case Video
GOLD LDV United Kind en Gezin Breastfeeding Extras https://vimeo.com/292667171
SILVER Prophets Audi Belgium (D'ieteren) Goose vs Audi https://vimeo.com/272310171

Best Community Management

Award Agency Advertiser Name of the Case Case Video
GOLD DDB Brussels Volkswagen Volkswagen branded GIFs model https://vimeo.com/291932621/da448fa9ce
SILVER Wunderman Antwerp TELENET Telenet Sintagram https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWynwu37l0A

Best Use of Technology within a campaign

Award Agency Advertiser Name of the Case Case Video
GOLD Prophets Audi Belgium (D'Ieteren) Audi E-xperience https://vimeo.com/283715028
SILVER TBWA MINI Driven by Data https://vimeo.com/292350860
BRONZE TBWA Belgium Entertainment Association The Subtitle Hack https://vimeo.com/290727411/2fae1d0f6a

Best Awareness Campaign

Award Agency Advertiser Name of the Case Case Video
GOLD Wunderman Antwerp Child Focus Innocent Childporn https://youtu.be/rHYgDCtCTNM
GOLD LDV United Kind en Gezin Breastfeeding Extras https://vimeo.com/292667171
SILVER LDV United Special Olympics Dare to sponsor https://vimeo.com/292670926
BRONZE PHD media Telenet Group - Base Base - The Liquid campaign https://youtu.be/4UtcJZo8O_w

Best Interface

Award Agency Advertiser Name of the Case Case Video
BRONZE Prophets Audi Belgium (D'ieteren) Audi E-xperience https://vimeo.com/283715028
BRONZE RTL Belgium Tapptic RTLplay Mobile App https://vimeo.com/291499238

Agency of the Year

Wunderman Antwerp

Advertiser of the Year


Digital Sales Guy/Girl of the Year

Daniel Borrego - Quantum

Digital Planner of the Year

Jonathan Lannoy - Havas Media

The first Artificial Intelligence Jury

To celebrate our 10th anniversary, we have created the world’s first Artificial Intelligence jury, called Pearl.

She will designate the winner of a special award and will judge all entries using algorithms that learn from past data.

Pearl More information about the IAB MIXX Awards