Samen met andere professionele organisaties binnen de sector, is het de ambitie van BAM om een global marketing ecosysteem te bouwen.
BAM is partner van CUBE, DNCM en de Effie Awards.

CUBE is a community of like-minded people, who have a passion for consumer & customer understanding, by uniting research agencies with marketing professionals, research buyers, suppliers, consultants, academics, students and research communities worldwide.
CUBE purpose
CUBE aims to create a connected hub to share the passion for consumer & customer intelligence and to fuel & nurture companies and researchers in their research, insight & analytics practice.
What unites BAM & CUBE
Our common passion for the consumer & customer. Our mission is to create a better understanding of the consumer, so that we can bring the voice of the customer at all levels of organizations and especially at the level of decision making, with the ultimate objective “to outperform the competition”.

"Bel Me Niet Meer "- Lijst
Doet u regelmatig of sporadisch aan telemarketing? Dan weet u ongetwijfeld hoeveel telefoons u jaarlijks doet en hebt u geen hogere wiskunde nodig om af te leiden hoe groot de kans is dat u een klant of prospect contacteert die dat eigenlijk niet meer wil. Waarom zou u als marketeer bellen naar een doelgroep die dit niet wenst. Zo kan u helemaal niet aan meaningful marketing doen en daarbij kost het u onnodig geld.
Bij die berekening houdt u best in het achterhoofd dat een twintigtal bedrijven recent nog boetes opgelegd kregen. Dat waren trouwens lang niet allemaal callcenters maar ook adverteerders uit verschillende sectoren. De boetes voor het niet respecteren van de "Bel-Me-Niet-Meer"-lijst kunnen oplopen tot € 80.000 en uw bedrijfsresultaat een flinke knauw geven.
De Belgian Association of Marketing ondersteunt Do Not Call Me door de marketingcommunity op de hoogte te brengen van deze wettelijke verplichting.
Ga daarom even naar de website en stel u in regel met de wetgeving, om zo boetes te vermijden.

Effie Awards
Effie stands for effectiveness in marketing communications, spotlighting marketing ideas that work and encouraging thoughtful dialogue about the drivers of marketing effectiveness. The Effie network works with some of the top research and media organizations worldwide to bring its audience relevant and first-class insights into effective marketing strategy.
The Effie Awards are known by advertisers and agencies globally as the pre-eminent award in the industry, and recognize any and all forms of marketing communication that contribute to a brand's success. Since 1968, winning an Effie has become a global symbol of achievement.
BAM is lid van IAB Europa, Fedma, ICC Belgium en DNS Belgium.

IAB Belgium
The Belgian Association of Marketing is the representative of IAB in Belgium.
IAB Europe
IAB Europe is the European-level association for the digital marketing and advertising ecosystem. Through its membership of media, technology and marketing companies and national IABs, its mission is to lead political representation and promote industry collaboration to deliver frameworks, standards and industry programmes that enable business to thrive in the European market.
IAB International Standards
As IAB representative in Belgium, the Belgian Association of Marketing ‘IAB International Expert HUB’ is working on updating IAB International standards. The aim is to simplify and streamline banner production. IAB standards ensure that advertisers can reach as many websites as possible with the minimum amount of creative material. Here the IAB standards give recommendations for display, mobile, tablet and online video. IAB standards also offer technical specifications for banner developers

The Community of Intersectoral Belgian Healtcare (CIBH) and BAM, partner together in order to leverage marketing's power to impact public health positively. With health issues like diabetes and obesity on the rise and a strong public demand for brands to contribute to wellbeing, it's clear our industry stands at a crossroad.