
Global: The Grand Tour

Getting the most out of your team! 

What if managers could get advice and expert guidance from the finest minds in leadership? 

Companies and organisations need to optimize operational efficiency. As competition is rising, teams are put under increasing pressure. It is therefore paramount for marketing managers to be able to lead under pressure and manage high performance teams. This exceptional programme has been developed to meet those challenges. Participants can choose their sessions or follow the entire programme in Brussels. Ninety four percent of our past participants (management from the private sector and high level civil servants from EU institutions) recommend the Grand Tour

The Grand Tour - Program

Day 1 - 24/05/23 - 09:30 AM - 5:15 PM


Prof. Cullen, Saïd at Oxford University

Advanced Negotiation techniques


Good negotiators have a heightened sense of self-awareness. They recognize the biases that we all possess and that too often trap us into making bad decisions as the negotiation progresses. Greater self-awareness can make us better persuaders and more sensitive to manipulative efforts to influence us employed by those with whom we are negotiating.Tim Cullen will explore two building blocks to successful negotiation: 

decision-making and persuasion, and go on to lay out a range of strategies to enable both parties to achieve positive results. Often standard bargaining approaches fail and innovative thinking is required. Once made, agreements must be implemented and enforced to succeed. These five skills: – information-gathering, rational decision-making, persuasion, innovation, and implementation – constitute the negotiator’s tool kit. The programme has been designed to equip experienced professionals with tools that allow you to reach agreements that work. After participating on this programme you will gain better results for y

our organisation, gain confidence in handling difficult situations and enhance your communication and influencing skills.Complex negotiation scenarios which provide a range of competitive and cooperative negotiation strategies are analysed. Whether you’re an experienced executive or and up-and-coming manager – working in the private or public sector – this session will help you shape important deals, negotiate in uncertain environments, improve working relationships, claim (and create) more value, and resolve seemingly intractable disputes.Tim Cullen will also touch on issues of trust and ethics which we believe to be critically important to building trust among negotiators. The session will be brought to life by cases and simulations.

Day 2 - 25/05/23 - 09:30 AM - 5:15 PM


Dr. Locke, London School of Economics

Developing and adapting you Leadership Style


During this session, participants will learn the difference between leadership and management and will be introduced to the concept of leadership adaptability. They will learn about different leadership styles and how these styles are suitable for different situations. We will engage in an exercise where groups are given different scenarios and must determine the best leadership style to use in that scenario. The session concludes with some tips for developing leadership style and being a more effective leader.


Prof. Randall Peterson, London Business School

The Critical Role of Conflict Resolution in Teams


Conflict is inevitable in any team or organisation. But what do we really know about how and why conflict works? Randall has been looking at a variety of types of teams and there are processes that consistently work and some that don’t. What are the positive effects of conflict resolution? How will you cope with and manage individual differences & personalities within a team?

There is a better way of thinking about how teams develop and that is about conflict and a set of conflicts some of which are embedded in the circumstance of the teams and others which emerge from the individuals within the team. What drives groups forward is a conflict resolution oriented strategy. Most successful teams are actually those that develop by trying to figure out their ability to manage conflict best. Conflict is the fundamental thing that drives change in a team. A Workshop and case studies will illustrate this lively session.

Day 3 - 26/05/23 - 09:30 AM - 5:15 PM


Prof. Deasy, INSEAD

Leading under pressure



Leadership in contexts where vulnerability and threat are ever present is a challenge for all involved. It is imperative that leaders in these contexts are as connected with their own senses of limitation as with their views of possibility. 

Common theories of stress management and wellness at work often focus on the individual as the one responsible for wellness with many urging the leaders to control their emotions and manage their stress themselves, quietly and away from colleagues. At the mildest end of the spectrum this approach is unsustainable.  For the stressed individual it can generate issues of shame, powerlessness and disconnection – all ingredients for a vicious downward spiral. At one level it is interesting to explore why we invest in this type of approach when dealing with the issue of difficult emotions at work. This presentation will propose a more sustainable system of leadership that fosters professional and personal growth. From a systems psychodynamic perspective I will argue that organisations that embrace emotions as a source of organisational data and foster leadership spaces interested in the meaning of expression at work provide opportunities for growth at all levels of the organisation. I will also focus on the role of social defences that hinder growth in these contexts and propose an adaptive approach to effective leadership in challenging contexts.


Prof. Randall Peterson, London Business School

Leading a High Performance Team



Business teams are increasingly operating in complex environments with multiple external actors outside of historical team and organisational boundaries; therefore the need for effective high performance teams has never been greater. Traditionally the focus of team leadership development activities has been on managing the internal dynamics of a team. That remains critical for leading an effective team, but is no longer enough. Today’s companies expect managers to work across many differences (e.g., age, gender, function, personality, culture, etc.) and to manage in a change-oriented environment. In this session,

Randall will explore what it takes to create and sustain high performing teams in this environment. He will also share his insights on how to prepare managers for such challenging assignments:

  • How to assess whether a team is high performing
  • Team leader selection and support
  • Managing conflict in teams
  • Understanding how personality effects team dynamics
  • Effective decision making in teams
  • Creating ROI – Return on Inclusion in diverse teams 

The session provides frameworks for understanding high performance teams, as well as a number of specific and practical tips for how to encourage high performance in your own team.


Do you want more information about the program, deadlines or registration? Visit the website and register now!  


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