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Training: LinkedIn, hacking the marketingplatform of 2024

Understanding and using the power of LinkedIn for your business, brand and personal branding! Learn how to integrate LinkedIn in your plans and unlock business and career growth.

Webinar's theme

About “Linkedin Growth & fundamentals”

  1. How does the LinkedIn algorithm work in 6 points?
  2. The perfect content 
  3. LinkedIn Profiles: personal and company
  4. Automation  in 3 actions

About the speaker


Florence BLAIMONT graduated from the ICHEC in economics and obtained her DESS in analytical psychology from the ULB.

In October 2023, she was named number 1 copywriter in Belgium by Favikon and Be Influence. 

She also appeared on the TedX Belfort stage (watch it here)  in November 2023 with her talk entitled: What you don't dare say is worth gold.

Her passions are social networks, marketing and sales, personal branding, communities and true stories. Florence leads WoWo Community, a community of 19,000 entrepreneurs. The notoriety of this network has led her to take care of the visibility and prospecting of CEOs, lawyers, financiers and well-known personalities on social networks, especially LinkedIn.

Florence Blaimont's book "Décollez avec Linkedin" has just been published by Edipro. This book stands out from the others for its practicality, its many examples of personalities and customers, and its never-before-talked-about sales aspect.


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