Ready or not: CMO’s kunnen cognitive computing niet negeren

Het antwoord op de gebeden van marketeers of het meest disruptieve waarmee hun vak wordt geconfronteerd? In beide gevallen is cognitive computing een gamechanger in marketing. En CMO’s beseffen het. Ze gaan uit van een verhoging van de investeringen in cognitive computing en verwachten er veel van.

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Ready or not: CMOs can’t ignore cognitive computing  

The answer to marketers’ prayers or one of the most disruptive force their field faces. Either way, cognitive computing is changing the game in marketing ‒ and CMOs know it. They expect their organizations’ cognitive spend to increase within the next three years and have high expectations that it will pay off.

There is just too much data for marketers to get to grips with ‐ they lack the insights they need to serve their customers well. This is where cognitive systems come in, they understand unstructured information, just like we do. They process enormous amounts of data in milliseconds, can reason, understand underlying concepts and form hypotheses.

With each data point and interaction, cognitive systems learn, deepening their expertise and refining nuances. They can predict results and give advice on the next step. As they have the  ability to see, talk and hear; they can interact with us in a natural way.

Improving customer satisfaction comes first

According to a recent study by the IBM Institute for Business Value, exploring the adoption of cognitive systems , 64% of  marketing and sales executives agree cognitive computing is important for their organization’s future., CMOs consider improving customer satisfaction the main value driver for cognitive systems. Armed with insights about customers at every touch point, marketers will be able to create and deliver the personalized, intuitive experiences that customers rightly expect. ''

From data deluge to intelligent insights: Adopting cognitive computing to unlock value for marketing and sales Cognitive computing is the game-changing technology that could be the answer to marketers’ prayers. It could also be one of the most disruptive forces their functions face. Armed with insights about customers at every touchpoint, professionals using cognitive computing are able to create and deliver the personalized, intuitive experiences customers expect. But are Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) ready to make the cognitive leap? Read the study which explores the extent to which these executives are embracing cognitive technologies today, the challenges they face and the lessons they can learn from outperforming companies that are already applying cognitive solutions and driving a cognitive-enabled vision for their business.   

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